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Chandigarh admn arranges polio vaccine for international travellers

Acting on the advisory issued by the Indian government regarding the people travelling to and from polio infected countries, the UT health department has made arrangements for these travellers to receive polio vaccination at Model Immunisation Centre, Government Medical School and Hospital, Sector 16.
The government has issued advisory for international travellers between India and polio-infected countries.
All travellers coming for polio vaccination have to bring their passport with them and vaccination certificate will be issued to them by district immunisation officer.
Presently, 11 countries–Afghanistan, Pakistan, Cameroon, Nigeria, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Congo, DR Congo, Somalia and Syria–have been identified as polio infected countries. All travellers, to and from, these countries should receive a dose of polio vaccine at least four weeks prior to their travel.
India has not reported any polio case since January 13, 2011 and has been certified as polio-free country since March 2014.
